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  • 9 Feb 2024 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    The Government of Canada announced on February 8th, 2024, further details on the oral health care services that will be covered under the CDCP to prevent and treat oral health issues and disease. The majority of services covered under the CDCP will be available as of May 2024 when the first cohort of CDCP clients will begin to receive services. Some oral health care services such as crowns, initial placement of partial dentures, and general anesthesia will require preauthorization, prior evaluation from an oral health provider, which will be available beginning in the fall of 2024.

    The Government is also making the 2023 CDCP established fees available via Sun Life's website to help inform providers ahead of the release of the 2024 fees. Each service covered under the plan will be compensated at 2024 CDCP fees when services start being offered in May. The CDCP will reimburse a percentage of the cost, based on established CDCP fees, which are not the same as the provincial and territorial suggested fee guides. People covered under the CDCP may have to pay an outstanding amount such as a co-payment or additional charges, which would be paid directly to their oral health provider. CDCP fees will be reassessed annually to account for new evidence, inflation, and changes in costs over time.

    To limit out-of-pocket costs, oral health providers participating in the CDCP will bill Sun Life directly for the eligible services provided to ensure timely reimbursement. Before receiving any oral health services, people covered under the CDCP should confirm that their provider is participating in the program and whether there may be any costs that will not be covered by the plan.

    Source: Health Canada | Read the full press release here
  • 4 Jan 2024 9:58 AM | Anonymous

    Health Canada published the Regulations Amending the Medical Devices Regulations (Medical Devices for an Urgent Public Health Need) yesterday in Canada Gazette, Part II, Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 158, Number 1. 

    These Regulations came into force the same day. Located in Part 1.1 of the Medical Devices Regulations (MDR), they broaden the scope to apply to future health emergencies for which there is an urgent public health need. For more information regarding the changes, please refer to the Notice: Amendments to the Medical Devices Regulations to address future public health emergencies. 

    To support the Regulations, a guidance document on Medical Devices for an Urgent Public Health Need was also made available by Health Canada. This guidance explains how to apply for an authorization to import and sell medical devices for an urgent public health need

    Source: Health Canada, Government of Canada, Bureau of Policy and International Programs - Medical Devices Directorate

  • 1 Nov 2023 5:05 PM | Deleted user

    Courtesy of Oral Health Group

    Oral Health Group extends its heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the family and colleagues of Henry Doyle, who was not only a valued customer but also a dear friend and a prominent leader in the dental community. We received the news of his unexpected passing with heavy hearts.

    Henry’s contributions were immeasurable as a long-standing pillar of the dental industry. His commitment to the field and exceptional leadership were evident throughout his career. Henry’s legacy at Heaps & Doyle, a company in which he took great pride and played a pivotal role, will continue to inspire and shape the future of the dental industry.

    Moreover, it is worth noting that Henry Doyle served as the President of DIAC (Dental Industry Association of Canada), a role through which he made significant contributions to the advancement and growth of the dental community in Canada. His dedication to this position further exemplified his commitment to the dental profession and his influence on the industry.

    During this difficult time, we offer strength and support to those closest to Henry. He will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him, and his impact on the dental world will endure as a testament to his remarkable legacy.

  • 26 Oct 2023 4:52 PM | Deleted user

    Content from Globe Newswire / Shared by Financial Post

    Lack of consultation with provincial and territorial dental associations is worrying

    TORONTO, Oct. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There are only two months left before the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) becomes available to many more Canadians. Yet more than 25,000 dentists nationwide are in the dark about how the Government of Canada will safeguard access to dental care.

    In a letter sent to Members of Parliament (MPs) this week, the presidents of provincial and territorial dental associations across the country asked how the government will:

    • Safeguard employer-provided dental plans that two-thirds of Canadians currently have access to?
    • Ensure that a strong federal program can be coordinated with existing provincial programs?
    • Protect patient choice and maintain the patient-provider relationship?
    • Ensure minimal, efficient administration that promotes timely access to care?
    • Respect the costs of delivering dental care to maximize provider participation?
    • Increase the number of dental assistants and dental hygienists to meet the demands of the CDCP?

    Dentists want to champion a CDCP that will respect patients, providers, and taxpayers. The provincial and territorial dental associations are concerned that the CDCP has been compromised by a lack of meaningful consultation with dentists – who will be expected to deliver on the government’s promises.

    The CDCP is currently in final planning stages, with a potential rollout in 2024 that will attempt to increase access to uninsured Canadians under 18, people with disabilities, and seniors who have an annual family income of less than $90,000. Dentists believe all Canadians need access to dental care. If not done properly, two-thirds of Canadians who have great employer-provided dental plans could lose their coverage and be forced into a worse plan. Costs would then skyrocket, which means the $13 billion over five years the government set aside would not be enough to sustain the plan.


    • Canada’s provincial and territorial dental associations represent more than 25,000 licensed dentists working in more than 16,000 offices. They treat more than 30 million Canadians every year and employ at least 50,0001 oral health care workers
    • Over 60 per cent of Canadians have a dentist they visit on a regular basis
    • A recent survey commissioned by Health Canada found that nearly nine out 10 Canadians are satisfied with the Canada Dental Benefit
  • 27 Sep 2023 12:22 PM | Deleted user

    Courtesy of CTV News Vancouver

    Authorities have identified a man whose death on the Sunshine Coast last week was deemed suspicious and are appealing for witnesses and information in hopes of advancing their investigation.

    Henry Doyle, who is 58 and from Vancouver, was found injured near Klein Lake in Egmont on Sept. 23, according to a statement from the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team.

    "First responders arrived on scene and provided emergency first aid, but sadly, the victim succumbed to his injuries," IHIT said in a statement. "The man’s death was determined to be suspicious in nature," adding that the coroner consulted with police.

    Police say they have learned that Doyle travelled to the area on his dirt bike, which was found near his body. Police have not revealed how Doyle suffered his injuries or why his death is being considered suspicious.

    CTV News has learned Doyle owned a Canada-wide dental service provider and also served as president of the Dental Industry Association of Canada.

    “We are shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Henry Doyle,” read a statement from the non-profit's board of directors. “Henry was an esteemed leader in the Canadian dental industry and his death is a great loss to all who knew him.”

    The Pacific Dental Conference also told CTV News it is deeply saddened to hear of Doyle’s death.

    Investigators say they want to speak with anyone who was in the Klein Lake area last Friday, urging them to call the IHIT Information Line at 1-877-551-IHIT (4448).

  • 6 Sep 2023 5:03 PM | Deleted user

    News Release from Public Services and Procurement Canada

    September 6, 2023

    Every Canadian deserves quality dental care, yet one-third of Canadians are unable to visit an oral health professional because they do not have dental insurance.

    As such, the Government of Canada has been working extensively to improve access to dental care services for Canadians, and has reached a key step in the procurement process to administer the Canadian Dental Care Plan.

    Today, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, and the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, announced that an Early Work Agreement worth up to $15 million has been awarded to Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life). This interim measure will enable Sun Life to undertake necessary pre-contractual work to ensure the timely launch and successful operation of the Canadian Dental Care Plan while details of the main contract are finalized. This includes work such as recruitment, information technology-related activities and business planning. The main contract is expected to be awarded in fall 2023, pending Government of Canada approval.

    Once fully implemented, the Canadian Dental Care Plan will support up to 9 million uninsured Canadians who have an annual family net income of less than $90,000 in getting the oral health care they need, with no co-pays for those with family incomes under $70,000. Further information on the plan, which is expected to begin rolling out by the end of 2023, will be communicated by Health Canada in the coming weeks.

  • 1 Sep 2023 9:32 AM | Deleted user

    Each year, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) offers an honours and awards program to recognize exceptional individuals and/or organizations for their contributions to the dental profession, the dental community and the oral health of Canadians.

    CDA invites the submission of nominations from the oral health community for the 2023–24 CDA Honours and Awards Program. All stakeholders are encouraged to take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions of worthy individuals and/or groups to the dental profession and to its reputation and profile.

    Award Categories:

    1. Awards to Individuals for overall outstanding achievement
    2. Awards to individuals or organizations involved in supporting the dental profession
    3. Awards to individuals or organizations for the promotion of oral health
    Click here to download the brochure and learn more about this prestigious awards program, including the nomination process and deadline

  • 30 Aug 2023 1:48 PM | Deleted user

    It is with mixed feelings that we are informing you that David Boudreau, Director General, Medical Devices Directorate, has accepted a new position with the Courts Administration Service (CAS), effective September 5, 2023. David will lead the implementation of legislative amendments stemming from Bill C-13, an Act for the Substantive Equality of Canada's Official Languages. Bill C-13 imposes new legislative obligations requiring that all Court decisions of precedential value are issued simultaneously in both official languages. 

    David joined the Health Products and Food Branch in January 2018 as the Executive Director of the Medical Devices Bureau. In January 2020, he became Director General with the creation of the new Medical Devices Directorate. With the support from his team, he has shown leadership in establishing solid relationships with key stakeholders, setting up the new Directorate, and navigating the pandemic while ensuring continuous access to COVID medical devices.

    We would also like to thank David for his leadership in fostering a bilingual work environment. On a personal note, we will miss David’s positive and collaborative approach, and I thank him for the warm welcome when I initially joined the Branch. David, you will be missed.

    We are also pleased to announce that Bruce Randall will be acting DG, Medical Devices as of September 11.

    Please join us in congratulating David and wishing him all the best in his new role.

    Pam Aung Thin
    Assistant Deputy Minister
    Health Products and Food Branch

    Celia Lourenco
    Acting Associate Assistant Deputy Minister
    Health Products and Food Branch

  • 17 Aug 2023 2:13 PM | Deleted user

    The Government of Ontario has provided a reminder that all organizations in Ontario are required to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and some are required to submit an Accessibility Compliance Report by December 31, 2023

    For more info, click here.

  • 17 Aug 2023 11:21 AM | Deleted user

    Source: Oral Health Group

    The Globe and Mail recently reported on the rise of dental costs for Canadians due to the recent increases to dental fee guides across the country. Many factors have led to these increases such as inflation, staffing demands, and increased need for PPE.

    They found the average annual fee increase ranged from 5 to 10 percent. ACDQ, Quebec’s dental association, was found to have the highest increase at 9.8 percent. Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador had average increases of 8.5 percent.

    This is quite a jump from 2017 to 2021 when the fee increases ranged from 1 to 5 percent each year.

    “Cary Chan, senior manager of corporate communications and public affairs at the B.C. Dental Association (BCDA), said in an e-mail that it’s important to note that suggested increases are just that – suggestions. Dentists can decide whether to apply some or all of the increases based on the realities of their practices,” reported the Globe and Mail.

    Read more about this story from the Globe and Mail.

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