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DIAC Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of DIAC is made up of volunteer representatives from member companies.

Board members are elected by the membership at the annual general meeting, serve four-year terms and may stand for re-election. They usually sit on one or more Board Committees which include:

Executive & Governance, Audit & Finance, Technorama & Conventions, Regulatory & Industry Affairs, Membership, and Market Research & Data.

DIAC’s governance structure and by-laws permit members in good standing to nominate employees/owners of member companies for the Board of Directors. The membership then votes for which nominees to sit on the Board. A term of service on the Board can be between one and four years, depending on the vacancy.

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Board of Directors

Executive Team

2024-2025 Board of Directors


In Memoriam: 

Henry Doyle, DIAC Board of Directors Past President and Chair (2021-2023)

Henry led DIAC with passion and integrity during his tenure as President, and was a respected figure in our industry as a whole. His companies, including Heaps & Doyle, are longtime members of the Association, and he committed countless hours of his time to our board and committees over the years. We will always be grateful to him for his service to our organization, and, by extension, to our industry. On behalf of the DIAC community, the Board of Directors and Management send our deepest sympathies to Henry’s family and friends, to his peers and colleagues in the Canadian dental industry. Henry will be truly missed.

Please consider a donation to BC Cancer in memory of our leader and friend Henry Doyle.

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